

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Cross-Disciplinary Program Implementation Regulations

Passed at the 2nd Academic Affairs Meeting in Academic Year 2021(26th May 2021)
Passed at the 2nd Academic Affairs Meeting in Academic Year 2023(4th Jan. 2024)

第一條 國立陽明交通大學(以下簡稱本校)為鼓勵大學部學生進行跨領域學習,建立跨域學習深度,協助學生拓展第二專長,提供學生可以在畢業學分不增加(或僅少量增加)情況下,修畢跨域學程,特訂定本辦法。
Article 1  These regulations are prescribed by National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (hereinafter refer to as Our University) to provide the opportunity for students to proceed cross-disciplinary learning without increasing graduate credits (or only a few extra credits) in order to encourage students to conduct cross-disciplinary study, build the depth of cross-disciplinary study, and assist students in expanding the second specialty.

第二條 本辦法所稱跨域學程,係指由學系、研究所,或學院提出第二專長模組課程,模組課程應包含該領域基礎核心知識,且總學分數以30學分為原則(最低可為28學分,最高不可超過32學分)。
Article 2  The cross-disciplinary program here means the cross-disciplinary program module curriculum proposed by the departments, institutes, or colleges. Module curriculum should include the core knowledge curriculum of the field and the total credits will be at the base of 30 credits (minimum 28 credits and no more than 32 credits).

第三條 學生修習跨域學程須向所屬學系以及第二專長的系所或學院申請通過,修習跨域學程的畢業學分數以128學分或所屬學系為原則,課程包含:校共同必修、所屬學系必修/選修課程(含所屬學系的跨域學程模組課程)以及第二專長模組課程(認定為跨域專長),並可於畢業證書上加註第二專長模組課程為「跨域專長」。
Article 3  Students who would like to take the cross-disciplinary program must apply and be admitted by the major department and the department or college of the second specialty. The graduate credit needed for this cross-disciplinary program is at the basis of 128 credits or regulations and requirements of major department. The curriculum of the cross-disciplinary program must include general education courses of the university, core and elective curriculum of major department (include the cross-disciplinary program module curriculum of the major department), and the cross-disciplinary program module curriculum from the second specialty department or college (recognized as cross-disciplinary specialty). The module curriculum of the second specialty could be remarked as “Cross-Disciplinary Specialty” on the diploma.
For students in the department that does not apply any cross-disciplinary program should file in the application form to the major department and get approvals by both departments. The credits of the cross-disciplinary program module curriculum can be counted into the elective credits only if the curriculums are recognized by the major department. When students aforementioned complete the required curriculums as well as credits of their major department and fulfill the required curriculums of the cross-disciplinary program, they can have the second specialty module curriculum as “cross-disciplinary specialty” on their diploma.

第四條 參與跨域學程的系所或學院,具體實施方式包含兩種,第一種為規劃跨域學程模組課程,提供本校外系學生修讀;第二種為制定相關辦法,開放本系學生修讀跨域學程,系所或學院可依其需求,將兩種實施方式同時施行,或擇一施行。
Article 4  There are two approaches to realizing a cross-disciplinary program. One is to offer a cross-disciplinary program for students from other departments and colleges in our university, and the other is to set up relevant regulations and allow students at the major department to take the cross-disciplinary program offered by the other departments. The departments or colleges could either implement both approaches or implement one of them based on their demand.

第五條 參與跨域學程的系所或學院,可不針對特定合作系所或學院來施行跨域學程,也可針對特定合作系所或學院來施行跨域學程。
Article 5  A department or college participating in the program could offer a cross-disciplinary program to students from all other departments or colleges, or to students from specific departments or colleges.

第六條 跨域模組課程與學生本系應修課程及學分重複者,由第二專長的系所或學院指定與專長相關選修課程補足。
Article 6  If the courses taken at the cross-disciplinary program module curriculum are the same with those of the required courses at the Major department, the duplication must be made up with the elective courses related to the specialty appointed by the department or college of the second specialty.

第七條 各系所或學院所設立之跨域學程,以開設學程之單位主管或其指定之專任教師擔任學程召集人,統籌執行學程各項事宜。學程召集人需指定至少一名專任教師擔任跨域學程導師,專責輔導跨域學程學生。
Article 7 For the cross-disciplinary program established by any department or college, the Director that established the course or a full-time teacher designated by the Director shall act as the convener of the cross-disciplinary program to coordinate the implementation of various matters of the program. The convener of the program must appoint at least one full-time teacher to serve as a cross-disciplinary program tutor, who is responsible for tutoring cross-disciplinary program students.

第八條 為鼓勵不同系所或學院合作提出跨域共授課程,由兩位以上教師開授跨領域之創新整合式課程,得依本校教師授課時數核計原則規定辦理。
Article 8  In order to encourage different departments or colleges to working together to design cross-disciplinary curriculum, teaching hours for the innovative cross-disciplinary curriculum offered by more than two teachers could be calculated according to National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Principles for Verifying and Calculating Teachers’ Teaching Hours.

第九條 修讀跨域學程學生在申請通過前已修習及格之科目學分,若合於第二專長模組課程應修課程學分,得經第二專長的系所或學院審查同意後,予以追加採認。
Article 9  The credits of cross-disciplinary program module curriculums obtained before the student is admitted to take the cross-disciplinary program can only be counted if the credits are recognized by the department or college of the second specialty.

第十條 修讀跨域學程學生之選課手續應於加退選期限內完成,且每學期所修之第二專長模組課程科目、學分及成績均列記於其歷年成績表內。
Article 10 Students taking a cross-disciplinary program shall enroll courses of the program by the deadlines of course registration. The courses, credits, and grades of the cross-disciplinary program module curriculums should be listed in the annual transcripts in each semester.

第十一條 學生之第二專長模組課程學分及成績分別併入學期修讀學分總數及學期平均成績算。
Article 12 The courses, credits, and grades of the cross-disciplinary program are incorporated into the student’s semester credits and average grade.

第十二條 修讀跨域學程學生,擬終止修讀跨域學程者,應至教務處申請撤銷其跨域學程資格,並回復至所屬學系修課規定。其已修習及格之第二專長模組課程學分,經所屬學系核定,報教務處備查後得抵免其所屬學系選修課程學分。
Article 12 Students intending to terminate the cross-disciplinary program shall apply to the Office of Academic Affairs for withdrawal from the program and follow the regulations and requirements of the major department. The credits of the cross-disciplinary program can be used as credit waiver against the core courses of the major with the approval of the major department. The approval should be submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs for archiving purposes.

第十三條 修讀跨域學程學生凡符合跨域學程規定畢業者,其畢業生名冊、歷年成績表及學位證書應加註跨域專長名稱。但畢業時如尚未修滿跨域學程規定之科目與學分,不得申請發給有關跨域學程之任何證明。
Article 13 For students who earn sufficient credits and meet the requirements of the cross-disciplinary program, the department of the cross-disciplinary program will be noted in the graduates’ roster, transcripts, and diplomas; otherwise, no certificate of the cross-disciplinary program will be issued.

第十四條 本辦法如有未盡事宜,悉依本校學則及其他相關規定辦理。
Article 14 If there is any unaccomplished matter of these regulations, it shall be handled in accordance with the school constitution of our university as well as other relevant regulations.

第十五條 本辦法經教務會議通過後實施,修訂時亦同。
Article 15 The regulations are approved by the Council of Academic Affairs before putting it into practice, and shall do the same upon any amendment thereto.
